You can quickly get a loan on your card by filling out a simple form. Credit and loan you can get a loan on a card in our application.You can receive money directly to your bank card today. In order to take out a loan, you need to install the application, enter information about yourself and the card number for the transfer, the loan processing time is no more than 5 minutes.Every day, around the clock, the application allows thousands of people to solve financial problems - all this without the need to collect documents, stand in line and endlessly dial answering machines at banks.The Neo Card Loans mobile application is an opportunity to get money anytime and anywhere. Online loan with collateral. Credit to card. Microloan. Urgent loans.How to take a loan online?To borrow money, download the application and fill out the form. You need to provide personal information. The only documents you will need are a Russian passport.Filling out the form will take no more than 5 minutes. After submitting your application, all you have to do is wait for it to be approved and receive money on your card.Methods of obtaining and repaying online loansYou can receive and repay online loans through the application using any bank card.Minimum annual interest rate: 21.9%Maximum annual interest rate: 32.85%The minimum debt repayment period is 61 days.The maximum debt repayment period is 365 days.Interest rate calculation example:- The loan amount is 20,000 rubles.- Loan term – 100 days.- Commission for using the loan: 0.08% per day, that is, 16 rubles per day, or 2.4% per month (averaged for 30 days), i.e. 480 rubles per month (average for 30 days).- The total commission amount for 100 days will be 1600 rubles.- Total amount to be returned taking into account the loan amount: 21,600 rubles.- PSK - the full cost of the loan (FLC - Full Loan Cost) as a percentage is 29.2% per annum.